Quantum Leap Seminars
Advancing the Workforce of Tomorrow through Knowledge Sharing of Strong Practices
Topic 1: Summer Course-based Experimental Learning
Date: January 25, 2025, 8AM PT / 9AM MT / 11AM ET
From high school through post-graduate training, connections to the day-to-day work life in engineering are so important to emphasize in workforce development, especially in an emerging industry like quantum information science and engineering.
A team at the University of Arizona developed Summer TRACK (Teaching Research and Career Knowledge), which introduces engineering students to career competencies across technical disciplines while also providing cohort-based learning in
foundational engineering courses early in the undergraduate experience. Tyler Le Peau, Heather Moore, and Noel Hennessey will share their experience conceiving of the program, implementing it, and assessing its impact on engineering students. The team will discuss ways to implement similar efforts focused on quantum engineering across the Center for Quantum Networks. Come for an informative presentation and discussion on the importance of course-based experiential learning.
Topic 2: Developing Novel Internship Programs
Date: February 19, 2025
More information coming soon!
- Noel Hennessey - CQN EWD Director, University of Arizona
- Heather Moore - Career Engagement Coordinator, University of Arizona
- Tyler Le Peau - ENGAGED Student Support Coordinator, University of Arizona