Thrust 4: Societal Aspects of the Quantum Internet

Exploring the legal, economic, and social implications of quantum communications.

About Thrust 4

In addition to the technical innovation, CQN is working to ensure that society is well prepared for broad, affordable, and equitable access to the quantum internet and its economy. CQN is already studying the social and policy implications of this budding technology. To do this, CQN supports social science research on the legal, economic, and social implications of quantum communications.

Thrust 4 Lead

Jonathan Ruane

Jonathan Ruane
Lecturer and Research Scientist

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management

View Profile


Thrust 4 Projects

Quantum Internet Standards and Governance

Internet trust infrastructures
Quantum RFCs
Quantum standards and patent law
Quantum mixnets
Quantum internet governance

Quantum Technology Marketplace

Preparing the economic and regulatory conditions for a market in quantum components and applications
Incentivizing the research and development of quantum technologies

Equitable Access, Fairness, and Accountability

Closing the gap
Quantum Technology Policymaking and Accountability

Quantum Applications Roadmap

Defining real-world applications of quantum networking technology
Coordinated with Industry Advisory Board input

Thrust 4 Pillar Integration


Thrust 1, Thrust 2, Thrust 3, and Testbeds
New application insights, technical colloquia focusing on the social impact of quantum technologies
Uncharted societal impacts of new technologies

Diversity & Culture of Inclusion

QuEST Participation and Mentoring
DCI Lead representation on Thrust 4 project selection
Joint social science and engineering projects

Engineering Workforce Development

New course modules, people entanglement workshops
Create a repository of societal impact research and white papers

Innovation Ecosystem

Applications roadmap
Societal impacts of Quantum technologies beyond the Quantum Internet