Thrust 3: Quantum Materials, Devices, and Fundamentals
Solving engineering challenges and fostering collaboration.
Thrust 3 Projects
Color Center Quantum Memories
Modeling decoherence in a group IV vacancy in diamond color center qubits.
Single Photon Detection
Delivering improvements in photon detection, and material-driven improvements in relevant metrics.
All-Photonic Cluster States
Generation of separable photon pairs for photonic entanglement and heralded single photons.
Satisfying the group-velocity mismatch condition for generating a spectrally separable two-photon state at telecommunications wavelengths.
Superconducting Spin Control
Leveraging the low loss in superconducting transmission lines for spin control of diamond vacancy spin qubits.
Mechanically controlled spin memories for quantum networks.
Qubit Conversion
Numerical modeling of multi-defect spin dynamics in a hyperfine field.