
Students at the 2022 Winter Retreat in Snowbird, Utah.
The Student and Postdoc Leadership Council (SPLC), consisting of three undergraduates, one graduate student, and one post-doc, manages the CQN Students and Postdocs Association. This group fosters a sense of community and both social and professional interactions among dozens of students scattered across ten campuses. In addition to fun activities like skiing, hiking, and urban exploration, the SLC also sponsors an interdisciplinary lecture series, the NSF Perfect Pitch competition, and a hackathon.

Current Leadership
Sandra Al Hames
Emanuel Salinas
Anjolie Tuazon
National Lab + Academia Liaison
Mingyuan Wang
EWD Liaison
Previous Leadership
Evan Anderson
EWD Liasion
Leo Crowder
Undergraduate Chair
Prajit Dhara
Collaboration Chair
Clark Embleton
Aparna Gupta
Industry Liaison
Linsen Li
Industry Liasion
Prateek Mantri
Erin McGee
Undergraduate Chair
Shahrooz Pouryousef
Industry Liasion
Gabriel Richardson
Industry Liasion
Emily Van Milligen