About the Masters Program
Laying the foundation to serve as a national model in QISE education, the MS QISE at the University of Arizona, Wyant College of Optical Sciences is designed to meet industry’s growing need for a transdisciplinary workforce with expertise in Quantum Information Science and Engineering (QISE). Providing students with theoretical and hands-on experience with an array of quantum equipment, spanning the fields of engineering, computer science, physics, and math, the program also exposes students to the social, ethical, and legal implications of QI technology. The curriculum will combine tailored courses in quantum mechanics, information theory, computer science, optics and materials, algorithms, and communications system engineering, as well as laboratory and experiential courses addressing the social, ethical, and legal implications of QI technology.
The skills associated with the University of Arizona MS QISE program are in high demand with industry partners. Unique to the program is a balance across theoretical and hands-on experience, with opportunities to work with an array of quantum equipment on the University of Arizona campus. The emphasis includes a set of required courses, a set of elective courses (to include cross-listed clinical and experiential courses in law and social sciences) and laboratory courses. Electives can be chosen (in discussion with academic or research advisors) from courses not listed formally as part of this emphasis, as long as the student’s course plan adheres to the program objectives.
As the largest optical sciences program in the United States, the Wyant College of Optical Sciences is the world’s premier optical institute, with outstanding faculty members, an international student body, a challenging curriculum, pioneering research programs and close relationships with the optics industry. The research programs at OSC span the breadth of the optical sciences, from the big — like developing the telescope mirrors that explore the stars, to the small — like applying optical nanotechnologies in quantum information, agriculture, energy generation, medicine and more.
Most of these courses are not yet offered at U.S. universities, even though the relevant skills are in high demand with industry partners. To inquire about the program, visit the MS QISE website: https://www.optics.arizona.edu/prospective-students/graduate-programs/ms-optical-sciences-quantum-information
Admin Director

Julie Emms
Administrative Director
University of Arizona, Wyant College of Optical Sciences