Thrust 2: Quantum Subsystem Technologies

Achieving long distance quantum communications.

About Thrust 2

Long-distance quantum communications networks over optical fibers will require fault-tolerant quantum repeaters. These quantum repeaters are special-purpose quantum processors that enable high-speed communication of the quantum states of entangled qubits over continental distances. The quantum repeater and its key subcomponents will be tested, validated and improved on both of the CQN testbeds (in Tucson and Boston).

Thrust 2 Lead

Brian Smith Headshot

Brian Smith
Associate Professor

University of Oregon, Physics

View Profile



Thrust 2 Projects

Integrated Photonic Devices

Demonstrating quantum repeater node functionalities using single optically active defects in diamond coupled to nanophotonic diamond cavities.

Proposing architectures for quantum random access memory (qRAM).

An efficient free-space interface to closely packed arrays of quantum memories for multiplexed quantum repeaters.

Efficient, scalable fiber-to-chip interface at cryogenic temperature.

Quantum Error Correction

Quantum error correction based on specific physical encodings of the code qubits.

Coherent manipulation of graph states composed of finite-energy GKP-encoded qubits.

Universal interference-based construction of Gaussian operations in hybrid quantum systems.

Quantum limits of superresolution in a noisy environment.

Single-versus-dual encoding of photons in generating the entangled link.

Distillation, Computing, and Communications

Resilience of quantum random access memory to generic noise.

Quantum metrological power of continuous-variable quantum networks.


Quantum Repeaters

Quantum repeaters based on concatenated bosonic and discrete-variable quantum codes.

Thrust 2 Pillar Integration


Device requirements (T3)
Repeater Capabilities (T1)
Realistic Device Capabilities (T3)
Needs from Network Architecture (T1)

Diversity & Culture of Inclusion

QuEST Participation
Diverse student recruitment


Engineering Workforce Development

Hands-on interdisciplinary training, cross cutting theory and experiments
Innovative EWD content

Innovation Ecosystem

Supplier of high-performance devices, new business opportunities
Inventions & patents: routers, entanglement, sources, codes