A user-accessible metropolitan-scale quantum network
About the Boston Testbed
Boston Testbed Leads
The Boston testbed will primarily be focused on building a quantum repeater system developed in Thrust 1, Thrust 2, and Thrust 3. This system will be based on fault-tolerant quantum memories in repeater and switching configurations with the target of achieving high fidelity high rate of entanglement distribution.
The network will consist of repeaters and 42km of fiber from MIT and Lincoln Laboratories. This network will demonstrate the effectiveness of the repeaters by demonstrating a 1Mbit/sec quantum key distribution experiment. The repeaters developed in the Boston testbed will then be sent to the Tucson testbed to demonstrate a larger, higher-bandwidth quantum network.
Dirk Englund CQN Co-Deputy Director Associate Professor of EECS
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science